Engagement Surveys
Gain actionable insights into your organization.

Onboarding Feedback
Gather meaningful feedback on employees new to roles.
Onboarding surveys are used to gather feedback on an employee
new to a particular position or role. Generally onboarding
surveys focus on the transition to the new role. They are
typically shorter than a full 360 and focus less on specific
competencies and more on behaviors related to taking on the new
A few examples of common onboarding survey behaviors include:
- Early successes
- Understanding of the position
- Leveraging team assets productively
- Building credibility
- Actions are consistent with company values
- Creating effective relationships
- Developing vision (for higher level managers)
A lot of times, comments play a heavier role in onboarding
than traditional 360s where the respondents are asked to comment
on the above types of questions rather than less specific
"comments" boxes.
The idea overall is to assess the new manager's performance
in the new position as soon as it makes sense to do so and take
corrective action before morale or productivity is adversely
affected, or, to accentuate behaviors that are producing
positive results.

Offboarding & Exit Interviews
Understand why employees leave your company and develop better retention programs.
The EchoSpan 360-degree feedback platform can also be used to
conduct Offboarding or Exit Interviews. While these types of
feedback processes are typically used when an employee leaves a
company, they can also be used just as effectively when he or
she changes positions. Common questions answered include topics
such as:
- Why are you leaving?
- What did you like most about your job?
- What did you like least about your job?
- What was your relationship with your manager like?
- What recommendations do you have for your successor?
- What skills or abilities should we seek in your
- Would you consider working for our company again? Why or
why not?
Using the 360 features of the tool, you can go beyond asking
the departing employee's opinion and solicit additional feedback
on similar topics from those that worked closely with him or
Over time, using EchoSpan's analytical tools, you will
develop insights into areas where your company needs to invest
to prevent unexpected departures of key employees as well as a
fact-based understanding of why employees terminate their

Reference Checks
Gather more meaningful reference check information, faster.
Checking references over the phone can be a time-consuming
and expensive process. With the EchoSpan feedback platform, you
can move this process online and collect reference checks
online. Soliciting reference checks online also allows the
reference provider to respond at a time that is most convenient
for him or her and to break up lengthier interviews over several
sessions. EchoSpan's analytical and reporting system will
automatically collect all reference feedback into a single, neat
report that can be shared easily within your organization.

Leadership Development
Help individuals assess their skills and grow into leadership roles.
The original purpose of 360-degree feedback surveys,
leadership development surveys, let managers gather anonymous,
candid feedback about their leadership behaviors. When using 360
feedback for leadership development programs, competencies for
certain roles or jobs are typically already defined in an
organization and an individual's performance against those
competencies can be easily measured. Receiving feedback from
peers and managers allows the individual to focus on areas for
improvement and coaching. Feedback recipients can use the
EchoSpan tool to create a development plan that contains
measurable activities and goal setting to assist with their

Post-engagement Feedback
Quickly and easily assess the performance of professional
services employees.
Professional services organizations make up a significant
portion of EchoSpan's customer base. Many of them use our
360-degree feedback tool not only for regular (annual)
performance feedback, but also after each client engagement.
This allows project managers to collect and act upon feedback
provided by a consultant's team or even customers immediately
after the conclusion of a project.
Typically, project-based feedback reviews are shorter than
traditional 360 surveys and focus more on the job task performed
and results generated during the project. With EchoSpan's
Unlimited licensing option, these types of reviews do not cost
extra and can be run as many times as the client wishes during
the year. Group and trend reporting capabilities provide
administrators with up-to-the-minute views of team and
individual employee project performance over time.

Team or Department Feedback
Understand how teams work together and where they need
Traditionally 360-degree feedback focuses on the behaviors
exhibited by an individual. But, as working in a team
environment becomes more and more critical in today's workplace,
regularly assessing a team's performance is important as well.
With the EchoSpan tool, gathering 360-style feedback on teams is
just as easy as collecting data on individuals. Group reporting
tools included in the EchoSpan platform make it easy to combine
teams together for aggregate reporting. Automatic reporting
tools let you securely send team reports to team leaders
throughout the organization.

Building Better Surveys
Solicit stakeholder feedback to build sharper feedback
One of the challenges in creating a successful 360-degree
feedback program for employees is creating and/or selecting the
right questions to ask. Whittling down a long list of proposed
review questions to a manageable length is no easy task. Reviews
are often created by committee, and each item is considered
important by at least one member.
One method of downsizing a lengthy review is to ask managers
of the individuals being reviewed what they consider to be the
top 3-5 behaviors necessary for success in a given role. Their
answers can be mapped to items in the review. The items that are
mapped most frequently make it to the review's short list, while
those that are not can be discarded.
With very little effort (and no time wasted in meetings!)
you've narrowed down your employee review content set. What's
more, you've enlisted key stakeholders in the process.

Regular Performance Reviews
Measure employee's performance in relation to their goals and
job responsibilities.
Performance reviews are a traditional form of employee
evaluation that are still widely used today. Many of our clients
have transitioned from doing traditional performance reviews and
now use a 360-degree feedback tool to complete their performance
reviews as it permits feedback from multiple sources in addition
to an employee's manager. Using EchoSpan automation tools, the
performance review process can be initiated and managed with
limited interaction from administrators. Reviews can be started,
reminders sent and reports generated without manual
intervention. Following the evaluation by
the employee and manager, employees can use our built- in
development planner to set development goals for the year ahead,
much like regular performance review tools.

Skills Assessments
Help individuals assess their skills and grow within their role and organization.
EchoSpan’s Employee Survey tool can also be used to create skills assessments for you organization. You will have control over the content you use, relationship groups, rating scales and options to customize your reports, as always. Benchmarks can be applied for each proficiency level to help employes understand if they are meeting expectations and you can show blind spots and hidden strengths to help guide development needs.
The results of skills assessments serve as a guide to promote success of individuals and teams by providing a comprehensive understanding of one's abilities and areas for improvement. Skills assessments tailored to the culture and resource needs of your unique organization will provide important benefits to retain employees and grow your organization.
As you continue to administer skills assessments over time results can be compiled for employees and at the organization or department level to show growth and weaknesses which will help identify where additional support and resources are needed.