Release Notes: Version 7.66a

February 2018 maintenance release

Articles » Release Notes: Version 7.66a

Version 7.66a of the EchoSpan platform will be released on February 24th, 2018. This is an interim, maintenance release. A brief summary of the new features and enhancements is below. Once the release is published, we'll make additional documentation on each of these items available in the product guides.

Product Enhancements

(E = Enterprise Edition, P = Professional Edition, A = All Editions)

Coaching Opportunities Analyzer
Added a new administrative feature that automatically identifies individuals and teams that could benefit from post-feedback coaching based on feedback results (P, E).

Duplicate Targets & Raters
When administrative users clone a previous feedback project they can now select to duplicate Targets and Raters from the source project as well as project content (P, E).

Supercompetency Profile
Added supercompetency radar chart report component for individual and group reports (P, E)

Maintenance Updates

  • Improved loading speed of all application modal windows (A).
  • Introduced new alert notification pop-ups with clearer buttons and graphical elements (A).
  • Introduced a "Limited Administrator Mode" that optionally constrains access rights of sub-administrator accounts (E).

Last updated: Thursday, February 22, 2018
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