Release Notes: Version 7.73

360-Degree Feedback improvements for the second quarter of 2020

Articles » Release Notes: Version 7.73

Version 7.73 of the EchoSpan platform was released on February 29th, 2020. This release includes new features and enhancements to our 360-degree feedback tool, administrative system and reporting suite. As always, new features for the 360 tool are included at no additional cost in their respective EchoSpan editions.

Brief summaries of the new features and enhancements are below. Once the release is published, we'll make additional documentation on each of these items available in the product guides.

Thanks to all of the program administrators who offered suggestions and feedback that helped us identify these enhancement opportunities. We're grateful for the perspective that you offer in continually improving the EchoSpan platform!

7.73 Release Highlights
(P= Professional Edition, E = Enterprise Edition, A = All Editions)

Reporting Enhancements:

  • Auto-Generate Report Templates (P,E): the administrative tool can now automatically create a report template based on the content in a review project. This feature works with all item types and can also pull in report components related to the development planning module when it is enabled in a project.
  • Allow Target to Download Existing Report for Current Project (P,E): we've added an additional option to a setting in the On-Demand Reporting features that will enable a Target to download an existing report from their dashboard, without allowing them to refresh or generate a new report.
  • Benchmark Score Added to Data Export (P,E): we've added a column to include Benchmarking data in the export titled "Target Results by Competency and Item Segmented by Rater Group". The export information will reflect the settings chosen by the administrator for the project. This includes real time, manual, and historic benchmarks in their respective editions of the tool.
  • Revised Comment Randomization (P,E): we've increased the randomization of comments in the report output when an administrator configures the option to consolidate relationship groups in the comment components.

Other Enhancements:

  • Individual Activity Logs (P,E): administrators can now look up all the actions taken by a particular user in the tool. This is helpful in determining a timeline of events during troubleshooting.
  • Set Max on Pick Multiple Item Type (P,E): we've enhanced the "Pick Multiple" item type to enable administrators to set a maximum number of choices a rater can select .
  • Voluntary Raters Identified in Admin Tool (E): when the "Voluntary Raters" feature is enabled, administrators can easily identify this type of participant from the rater management dashboard of the admin tool.
  • Additional Merge fields (A): we've added new merge fields to correspond with the additional tags that may be appended to Target records during the import process. This will enable administrators to further personalize questions and target email

How to Upgrade

Once released, the version 7.73 update is automatically applied to any new, blank project you create. You can also update an existing project by opening the project and clicking Upgrade Project in the top right of the project's homepage. This option will only be visible if an update is available for that project. Upgrades are available to clients without existing customizations. Note that if you clone a project that uses an older version of code, the new project will also be based on the older code and require a manual update.

As always, we appreciate your feedback on our product and services. Please remember that we offer a question and answer session each week that is an open forum for customer questions. One of our Senior Client Service Managers leads the interactive session and will address any product questions you have. You can sign up for these recurring weekly sessions below:

Thank you for choosing EchoSpan for your employee feedback and review needs!

Last updated: Sunday, March 1, 2020
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