EchoSpan 7.78 Release Notes

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Version 7.78 of the EchoSpan platform will be released on July 31st, 2021. This release includes a number of workflow, reporting and administrative enhancements to the platform. As always, new features for the platform are included at no additional cost in their respective EchoSpan editions.

Brief summaries of each update are included below. You can find additional documentation on each of these items in EchoSpan s online product guides.

Thank you to all of the program administrators who offered suggestions and feedback that helped us identify these enhancement opportunities. We re grateful for the perspective that you offer in continually improving the EchoSpan platform!

7.78 Release Highlights
(P= Professional Edition, E = Enterprise Edition, A = All Editions)

Workflow Enhancements:
  • Self-evaluation dependent feedback (E) this setting can be used to prevent certain relationship groups from accessing the survey until the self-evaluation is complete.
  • Auto-fill rater list based on hierarchy/HRIS (E) when an employee hierarchy is on file and the project is configured to allow Targets to select their own Raters, Targets can auto-fill their initial rater selections based on employee relationship associations in the HRIS database/hierarchy. Administrators will have the ability to set rules to identify which employees to associate with the custom relationships configured in the project. When the Target clicks Manage Your Feedback Providers to enter the rater selection page for the first time, the list will auto-populate based on the rules and associations from the hierarchy.
  • Rater list change alerts summarized in one email (P,E) when Targets request to receive alerts about changes to their rater lists, the system will now generate a summarized message about all changes when the list is finalized, rather than send a separate message for each individual change.
Comparative Reporting Enhancements:
  • Support for rater pooling in comparative reports (P,E) when Change over Time and/or Current vs. Previous components are included in reports, rater pooling rules will be applied for each time period included in the report, based on the rules for each project.
  • Exclude project from comparative reports (P,E) administrators can also exclude certain projects from being included in Change over Time and Current vs. Previous reports by modifying this advanced setting.
Administrative Enhancements:
  • Searchable activity log (A) administrators can now search the activity log based on key words, participant email address or timeframe. This log enables administrators to keep track of activities that occur during the project lifecycle, from setup, to advanced settings changes to target and rater management tasks that admins perform in the system.
  • Sample targets (E) administrators can now populate data for sample target and rater records in projects. This can be used to assist with the production of sample reports and report template development. Sample targets are clearly identified within the admin tool for administrators. To access this feature in your account, please reach out to your client manager to enable visibility.
  • Add new super-competencies to your account(s) (P,E) administrators can add new super-competencies to their account(s) from the Setup >> Review Items page of the tool.
How to Upgrade
Once released, the version 7.78 update is automatically applied to any new, blank project you create. You can also update an existing project by opening the project and clicking Upgrade Project in the top right of the project s homepage. This option will only be visible if an update is available for that project. Upgrades are available to clients without existing customizations. Note that if you clone a project that uses an older version of code, the new project will also be based on the older code and require a manual update.
Last updated: Thursday, July 29, 2021
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