Three New 360-Degree Feedback Features

Custom Benchmarks, Improved Session Handling and Summary Report Notifications are new for October 2015

Articles » Three New 360-Degree Feedback Features

We have added three new features to the EchoSpan 360-degree feedback tool this month. These updates were developed based on feedback from you, our clients, so thank you for continuing to help us make our 360-degree feedback tool a best-of-breed offering. Here’s what we have added…

Custom Benchmarks
Set your own 360-degree feedback benchmark scores

Benchmarks are comparative scores presented in conjunction with a Target's own feedback scores. They are commonly used for determining proficiency or gaps in performance compared to peers.

The EchoSpan 360 tool already provides automatically-calculated benchmark scores based on the ratings submitted within a specific project. With this new feature, you can override our automatically calculated benchmarks and set your own, custom ones, and have them displayed in your final PDF reports.

Learn more about how to take advantage of this new feature by checking out the product guide

Improved Session Handling
Responses are now automatically saved prior to session timeouts

User sessions can be interrupted while completing reviews for a number of reasons. Common reasons include exceeding our maximum of 25 minutes of session idle time or problems with internet connectivity. For security reasons, the tool automatically logs users out when a session interruption event occurs. Previously, if session interruption occurred in the middle of a review, user responses for a particular review page may not have been saved.

In this release, we applied an update that has the application automatically save the last page of a users’ responses prior to automatically logging them out in the event their session expires while they are mid-review. This ensures that no responses are lost even if the user’s connection to the application is interrupted.

This change automatically applies to all customers using the current version of EchoSpan. If your account relies on legacy versions of our tool, or, you have applied customizations to your account, please contact your client manager to discuss activating it for your projects.

Summary Report Email
Send a single email to managers to provide report access

A new email template lets you send a single, summary report notification email to your project's Managerial Raters notifying them that reports for their direct reports are available for viewing. This replaces the need to send an individual email for each report delivered. The email contains login information for the manager to access their project dashboard, but does not contain links to the reports themselves.

Learn more about how to take advantage of this new feature by checking out the product guide.

Keep an eye out for more exciting new features coming soon. As always, we appreciate your feedback on our product and services. Thank you for choosing EchoSpan for your employee feedback and review needs.

Last updated: Thursday, October 15, 2015
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